AFOSR - How to Submit a Report

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AFOSR Deliverables (Report Types):

  • LRIR Report (Distribution A Only)
  • Annual Report
  • Final Report & SF298 (Guidance and Templates below Submit Button)
  • Conference/Workshop Report & SF298
  • Equipment Report

Click here to submit a report graphic

Please click here to submit a report. You may contact [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns.

Technical Requirements Information
The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) is the central depository for technical reports written by and for the Department of Defense. The DTIC collection comprises these reports as well as information on ongoing DoD-performed, -sponsored, and -cosponsored work. The former is documented in the Technical Reports (TR) bibliographic database, while the latter is listed in a work-in-progress database called the Work Unit Information System (WUIS). Reports submitted to DTIC must include the Standard Form (SF) 298, Report Documentation Page. DTIC uses information contained in this form to create bibliographic records for the TR Database.

When submitting a final report to the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, you must attach a completed SF 298.